Erdélyi VáLTó (VLT)

The Transylvanian Cryptocurrency

Erdélyi Váltó (VLT)


… it means “Transilvanian” in Hungarian the mother language of indigenous people in Transylvania.


… it means Promissory note in Hungarian. Our grandparents remember the time when they used tally stick, then paper as “váltó” on the market.

The main goal

… of the project to have our own Cryptocurrency on our own Blockchain. This can be the basis of every financial transaction, communication, security, authentication, certificates, voting, donation, funding, reputation and open platform to develop any solutions based on locals needs.


  1. Token f3da310a6ba074d0935d10cc7120529a263b91b6aa535be5e5075cfb5a9f0d1a - SLP Explorer
  2. Tx 7f95de7a… | Hive Block 51563605 | Hive


VLT Wallet (beta)